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Pintori (Paperback) - Giovanni Pintori
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Giovanni Pintori:

Pintori (Paperback) - edizione con copertina flessibile

2015, ISBN: 8867327607

[EAN: 9788867327607], Neubuch, [PU: Moleskine srl, Milan], Paperback. Born in Sardinia, Giovanni Pintori (1912- 1999) was employed by Olivetti in 1939, where he defined the image during t… Altro …

NEW BOOK. Costi di spedizione: EUR 73.14 Grand Eagle Retail, Wilmington, DE, U.S.A. [50531827] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
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Giovanni Pintori (Paperback) - edizione con copertina flessibile

2015, ISBN: 8867327607

[EAN: 9788867327607], Neubuch, [PU: Moleskine srl, Italy], Language: English. Brand new Book. From advertising campaigns to type design, Giovanni Pintori's signature was always a constant… Altro …

NEW BOOK. Costi di spedizione: EUR 5.95 The Book Depository EURO, London, United Kingdom [60485773] [Rating: 4 (von 5)]
da Indigo.ca
C$ 71,00
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Giovanni Pintori by Moleskine Paperback | Indigo Chapters - nuovo libro

ISBN: 9788867327607

Born in Sardinia, Giovanni Pintori (1912-1999) was employed by Olivetti in 1939, where he defined the image during the company''s maximum expansion, as a direct expression of the utopian … Altro …

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Giovanni Pintori
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£ 25,70
(indicativi € 30,06)
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Giovanni Pintori - nuovo libro

ISBN: 9788867327607

From advertising campaigns to type design, Giovanni Pintori's signature was always a constant attempt to show, in a quite direct way, the complexity of technology and how it can enhance h… Altro …

Nr. 9788867327607. Costi di spedizione:, , zzgl. Versandkosten., Costi di spedizione aggiuntivi
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C$ 71,00
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Giovanni Pintori - nuovo libro

ISBN: 9788867327607

Born in Sardinia, Giovanni Pintori (1912-1999) was employed by Olivetti in 1939, where he defined the image during the company''s maximum expansion, as a direct expression of the utopian … Altro …

new in stock. Costi di spedizione:zzgl. Versandkosten., Costi di spedizione aggiuntivi

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Giovanni Pintori by Moleskine Paperback | Indigo Chapters

Born in Sardinia, Giovanni Pintori (1912- 1999) was employed by Olivetti in 1939, where he defined the image during the company's maximum expansion, as a direct expression of the utopian project of Adriano Olivetti: an advertising language capable of representing the product through free associations and allegories, to qualify as a real graphic vocabulary, abstract and symbolic. Though the majority of his work consists on the production of Pintori for Olivetti this monograph presents for the first time to an international audience the vast production of the Italian graphic designer, highlighting the overall consistency and showing his creative process, through sketches and paintings. Amongst the many exhibition where his work has been displayed, the most notable one is the "Olivetti: Design Industry" exhibition organized by MoMA in 1952 in which his work is extensively represented. Today part of the permanent collection of the SF MOMA, the posters have been widely published and imitated.

Informazioni dettagliate del libro - Giovanni Pintori by Moleskine Paperback | Indigo Chapters

EAN (ISBN-13): 9788867327607
ISBN (ISBN-10): 8867327607
Copertina flessibile
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015
Editore: Moleskine

Libro nella banca dati dal 2016-03-22T15:25:58+01:00 (Rome)
libro trovato per l'ultima volta il2022-11-02T21:39:17+01:00 (Rome)
ISBN/EAN: 9788867327607

ISBN - Stili di scrittura alternativi:
88-6732-760-7, 978-88-6732-760-7
Stili di scrittura alternativi e concetti di ricerca simili:
Autore del libro : moleskine, pintori
Titolo del libro: sironi, giovanni, moleskine

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